All Nations Under God: The Doctrine of Christ's Victorious Atonement
Product Description
Sadly, it is not uncommon to find bitter contention amidst those discussions centering on the atonement of Christ. Queries regarding the atonement's intent and extent normally govern such contests, and the results are often less than productive. This debate is not a new one, and it has only intensified in recent years. In its worst form, this battle is draining the church of her vitality and joy, while robbing Christ of His glory as the victorious Lamb of God. However, the church must refute such contention and reclaim the joy, motivation, and power of the Gospel ministry by looking intently at the One who calls Himself the eternal Victor: The Lord Jesus Christ. All Nations Under God looks to restore the true hope and joy of the church by reclaiming the Biblical vision of the Lamb of God who was slain for our sin.
Michael John Beasley grew up in Southern California and later served in the United States Air Force. During most of this time he was a convinced Atheist, but in 1982 he was redeemed by the mercy and grace of Christ.
He has a B.S. degree in Physics from the California State University, San Bernardino; an M. Div. degree from The Master's Seminary; and has served in pastoral ministry since 1991. He is the author of Jesus' Justice, Internet Inferno, My Banner is Christ, Altar to an Unknown Love, The First Institution, All Nations Under God, Indeed has Paul Really Said?, and The Fallible Prophets of New Calvinism.