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Trinity Book Service



Why the book by William Jay on the family? by H. Rondel Rumburg

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William Jay remarked that the family “distinguishes man from the brute creation, excludes the disorders of licentiousness, and cherishes the sweetest affection of the heart.” The family is the crucible from which life in its various facets is brought forth; it is the glue which holds our culture together; and it is the basic building block of civilization and government. Destroy the family and all is lost in church and state.

The family has always been the foundation upon which the building blocks of society are placed. Those who have wished to conquer and control mankind have been the biggest enemies of the family. Only true Christianity has been the proper friend of the family. When God the Father would save a people from their sin He prepared a family in which to send His only begotten Son into the earthly sphere to redeem. Thus we are reminded that sin had its origin in a family and salvation had its origin through a family.

...Finally, we must realize the significance of Sprinkle Publication giving the public Jay’s Domestic Duties Considered. God will ultimately judge how we treat His institution—the family. Anyone who realizes the value of the family would be greatly helped by reading Jay’s masterful, mature and insightful book.

This is the first time these messages have been collected and printed in a single volume according to subject. Here one finds a wealth of practical, biblical and uncompromising material on the family. Consider the following remark by Rev. William Jay:

Marriage is an institution of peculiar importance. It is of divine ordination, and almost coeval with the existence of the human race. It is the origin of families; the source of the continuance and welfare of nations. It distinguishes man from the brute creation, excludes the disorders of licentiousness, and cherishes the sweetest affections of the heart. There is no union, the quality of which is so intimate, the obligation of which is so binding, the consequences of which are so momentous.

As has already been noted the family is the source of sustenance of the nations.

Jay’s heart as a pastor is in evidence in this book. Also, a faithful reader may be reassured that Jay is faithful to the Word of God. He reminds us that we are responsible to guard the family. This is very important when remembering the essential nature of the family in church and state.

You now hold in your hands a book of great value because it honors the Lord, it encourages the child of God, it ministers to family members, it is exceptionally informative and it will do the reader’s heart good.

Used with permission of Sprinkle Publications.