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Trinity Book Service





Recommended Books for Marriage and the Family

  1. Word of Explanation
  • How the elders view the Trinity Book Service (TBS) and the Trinity Church Library
  1. They are vital resources to supplement the ministry of the Word for personal growth in grace.
  2. They are vital resources to supplement the ministry of the Word in promoting godly family life.
  3. TBS is a vital resource to provide tools for God-honoring evangelism.


        II.       Words of Recommendation

  1. Books to help personal and family worship
  1. Matthew Henry’s Commentary
  2. New Testament Commentary Series (2 volumes)..........................Geoffrey Wilson
  1. Vol. 1 - Romans to Ephesians
  2. Vol. 2 -Philippians to Hebrews and Revelation

     3.   A Book for Family Worship………………………………………………….…...Jim Cromarty


     B. Marriage & Family

  1. Marriage
  1. Tying the Knot Tighter......................................Martha Peace & John Crotts
  2. Headship and Marriage in the Light of Creation and the Fall….Alan Dunn
  3. Strengthening Your Marriage……………………………………….....Wayne Mack
  4. The Excellent Wife…………………………………………………………...Martha Peace

     2. Family

  1. Withhold Not Correction……………………………………………………………......Bruce Ray
  2. Let Me Be a Woman…………………………………………………………..…..Elizabeth Elliott
  3. The Mark of a Man………………………………………………………......……Elizabeth Elliott
  4. Age of Opportunity…………………………………………………………..…………….Paul Tripp
  5. Thoughts for Young Men……………………………………………………………….....J.C. Ryle
  6. Mighty Men……………………………………………………………………….………...John Crotts
  7. Not Even a Hint……………………..………………………………………………...Joshua Harris
  8. The Purity Principle…………………………………………………………………..Randy Alcorn
  9. I Kissed Dating Goodbye…………………………………………………………..Joshua Harris
  10. Boy Meets Girl….……………………………………………………………………...Joshua Harris