Confessing Our Hope: Essays Celebrating the Life & Ministry of Morton H. Smith
Product Description
Confessing Our Hope is a festschrift, a "celebration book" of the life, work, and ministry of Morton Howison Smith, a man respected and loved by many. The title of this volume reflects Dr. Smith's long standing commitment to confessional orthodoxy and the study of the men and doctrines that have bolstered our hope. Just like Dr. Smith this book encompasses a breath of scholarship, touches a variety of loci, and sparkles with deep interest and love for Christ and His Church, "the pillar and foundation of the truth." This volume is a collection of essays prepared by notable scholars and churchmen to express their respect and affection for this prince of octogenarians. The topics span the fields of theology, philosophy, and history. Each article will assist the Church in forming a greater knowledge and appreciation of history, theology, and Presbyterianism; thus, strengthening the Church for her mission.