Divine Love: A Series of Doctrinal, Practical and Experimental Discourses by John Eadie
Divine Love: A Series of Doctrinal, Practical and Experimental Discourses by John Eadie
Product Description
John Eadie (1810-1876) was not only a brilliant professor and author of outstanding commentaries of Pauline Epistles, but he was first and foremost a Pastor. In this long-buired volume of sermons we see Eadie at his pastoral best, as he expounds the glorious theme of Divine Love. These twelve messages touch on the very height and depth of the love of the Triune God for His undeserving, indeed, ill-deserving people.
"The Apostle Paul tells us that it was his prayer that believers would be 'rooted and grounded in love' and would 'know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge,' (Ephesians 3:18-19) and yet a robust experiential knowledge of the love of the Father, in the Son, by the Spirit eludes many a Christian. Even though we have heard 'Yes, Jesus loves me' from childhood, and have heard of the Father's great love in sending his Son from the time we first memorized John 3:16, it is difficult for us to take in this surpassing love. And thus all the more important for us to hear God's clear overtures of love to us in his Word. It is the experience of this love that matures us.
John Eadie, the respected nineteenth-century Scottish Secession minister-theologian, takes the reader on an edifying journey through this vital biblical theme. - Ligon Duncan
Table of Contents
(1) The Love of God: Its Objects, Gift and Design (John 3:16)
(2) The Love of Christ to His Church (Ephesians 5:25-27)
(3) The Love of Spirit: Its Reality and Glory (Romans 15:30)
(4) The Votive Tablet: The Saints Record of God's Love (Psalm 116)
(5) The Adopting Love of the Father (1 John 3:1-3)
(6) The Father's Love to the Son: The Model & Measurement of the Son's Love to His People (John 15:9)
(7) The Loving-kindness of the Lord (Psalm 107)
(8) The Sin and Doom of the Loveless (1 Corinthians 16:22)
(9) Love of Invitation and Revival (Hosea 14:4-7)
(10) The Divine Love in its Reflex Power and Manifestation (John 21:15-17)
(11) The Friendship and Sympathy of Jesus (John 11:5-35)
(12) The Love of Christ: The Sustaining Motive of the Missionary Enterprise (Mark 16:15)