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Trinity Book Service



Every Word Counts: Inerrant Infallible Unchanging by Tom Barnes

$15.99 $12.79
(You save $3.20)

Every Word Counts: Inerrant Infallible Unchanging by Tom Barnes

$15.99 $12.79
(You save $3.20)

Product Description

Large numbers of Christians have left behind thoughts of a Bible whose whole and every part is inspired, without error, and the only ultimate authority to bind our conscience and teach us about God and His redemption. Such beliefs were fine when we were young, so it is said, or when the Church was not as informed. However, we now have come to a much more sophisticated understanding. As post-moderns we now know that these pre-modern and modern views are obsolete. We can refer back to them as nice memorabilia, a reminder of what some used to believe. Yet, at best, they are to be kept in the showcases of museums, closets of church buildings and seminary libraries only to be brought out when we reminisce; at worst, such obsolete views of the Bible are thought to be detrimental.


About the Author

Tom Barnes, senior pastor at the Minden Evangelical Free Church, is the author of three other books, Living In the Hope Of Future Glory (2006), Atonement Matters (2008), and Every Word Counts (2010), all with EP books. Tom and his wife, Karen, live in Minden, Nebraska, USA.

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