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Trinity Book Service



Grace Abounding in a Believer's Life by Charles Spurgeon (Paperback)

$9.95 $7.50
(You save $2.45)

Grace Abounding in a Believer's Life by Charles Spurgeon (Paperback)

$9.95 $7.50
(You save $2.45)

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Publisher's Description

The eulogies of Charles Spurgeon's preaching are almost endless. It is a preaching legacy that can never be forgotten; it may never be surpassed. Considered by his peers then and now as "The Prince of Preachers," Charles Spurgeon will stand for many years to come as the epitome of pulpit mastery. Joseph Parker, another of London's famous preachers, wrote: "Mr. Spurgeon's career has proved that evangelical teaching can draw around itself the greatest congregation in the world, and hold it for a lifetime.... The great voice has ceased. It was the mightiest voice I ever heard." Spurgeon built London's Metropolitan Tabernacle into the world's largest independent congregation during the nineteenth century. At the core of Spurgeon's passionate biblical expositing was always the abounding grace of God. It was the central doctrine around which his message and ministry focused. Grace tells a man that, in spite of all that is true about him, God still looks on him with love. And that, Spurgeon said, "ïs a grand sight to behold!" Yet, history has proven, and personal Christian experience proves, that it is so easy to lose sight of the grace of God and to fall prey to religious legalism. Spiritual freedom in Christ will be challenged at every point and can only be overcome by faith.



If you are a Christian, and you sometimes struggle with the issue of assurance, this will be an excellent book to help you. If you are not a believer and you happen upon this book, Charles Spurgeon does a wonderful job of explaining the love and mercy of God to us here in these brief sermons.
Another good Spurgeon book to read if you feel you need assurance is the book "All of Grace".
Also, the language in this book has been modified a bit from the original to make it easier understood by the modern reader.

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