How Sweet the Sound by Noel Davidson (Paperback)
Product Description
How Sweet the Sound The Story of John Newton & William Cowper Paperback: 230 pages Publisher: Emerald House Group Author: Noel Davidson ISBN-10: 1840300051 ISBN-13: 978-1840300055 Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.5 x 0.8 inches Weight: 13.3 ounces Description: The story of John Newton and William Cowper, authors of some of the greatest hymns in the world, such as "Amazing Grace," "There Is a Fountain," and "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken." We have heard these tunes played and sung hundreds of times; but few of us realize these are just a small part of a larger collection written by two men who had become close friends. Two men from completely different backgrounds, drawn together by their love for God and their love of literature.