Money, Possessions, and Eternity by Randy Alcorn (Paperback)
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What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about money and material possessions based on the author's painstaking study of the Bible. Randy Alcorn uses the Scriptures to approach this often touchy subject head-on. Thought-provoking arguments challenge readers to rethink their attitudes and use their God-given resources in ways that will have an eternal impact. Alcorn deals straightforwardly with issues of materialism, stewardship, prosperity theology, debt, and more. An excellent choice for group study as well as individual financial guidance. Includes a study guide and appendix with additional resources.
Simply the best book on the subject. Be ready for a good spiritual punch in the gut. I buy numerous copies of these and constantly give them away to those I am close to. Chock full of scripture and and wisdom. It's intention is not to instruct you on how to get out of debt or balance your check-book. Seek out Ron Blue or Larry Burkett's excellent resorces for this. Alcorn lays out a view of the eternal promises of God (specifically related to the subject matter), challenges us to believe them and dramatically alter the way most American Christians live our lives. If you want the "Cliff's notes" version pick up Alcorn's "The Treasure Principle." If you want to go deep work your way through this gem.