Noah's Ark, Thinking Outside the Box (DVD)
Product Description
As we learn more about ancient shipbuilding, we must ask the question "When Noah constructed the Ark, did he use the technology of the day to follow the Lord's directions and build a ship able to withstand the ocean's tempest?"
Answers in Genesis, Featuring Tim Lovett Tim Lovett earned his degree in mechanical engineering from Sydney University (Australia) and was an instructor for 12 years in technical college engineering courses. Tim has studied the Flood and the Ark for about 13 years and is widely recognized for his cutting-edge research on the design and structure of Noah's Ark. Inside the Creation Museum near Cincinnati stands a 30-foot tall replica of the lower floors of Noah's Ark. But it's not the strict "box" shape made famous by Drs. Morris and Whitcomb in their classic book, The Genesis Flood. This DVD, which includes important interview footage with Dr. Whitcomb and Ken Ham, tells why.