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The New Calvinism Considered by Jeremy Walker (Paperback)

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The New Calvinism Considered by Jeremy Walker (Paperback)

$10.99 $8.00
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Product Description

Publisher's Description

Of all the various movements that have affected the evangelical Christian Church in the early years of the 21st century, young, restless and reformed, or 'New Calvinists', are among the most significant.  Jeremy Walker acknowledges the difficulties of tackling this subject, which he approaches with insight, kindness and some caution.

He writes of his desire to provide ‘a balanced and appropriately irenic assessment’ as he considers the contribution of various personalities.

If you are not sure what to think of the New Calvinism, you need to read this book.  If you have friends struggling with it, you need to give them this book.  If you are being reproached for not embracing it, use the arguments and cautions of this book to defend yourself.  If you are danger of rejecting the whole of New Calvinism root and branch, you need the care of this book to restrain you.


About the Author

Jeremy Walker was born to godly parents and was converted to Christ during his teenage years.  he serves as a pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley, and is married to Alissa, with whom he enjoys the blessing of three children.  He has authored several books and blogs at Reformation21 and 'The Wanderer'.



"The best thing about this assessment is that Jeremy has approached the matter in genuinely Christian fashion.  He speaks of the difficulty of speaking accurately about such a large and diverse movement.  He understands the necessity of guarding his criticisms in a way that is deeply Christian.  He does not forget to commend the movement where it can and ought to be commended.  Nevertheless the critique he launches loses none of its helpfulness and power for all this.  He notes how difficult it is to boldly provide such criticisms in the context of the cult of celebrity and triumphalism that sometimes characterizes the New Calvinism.  It is always difficult to be the little boy who tells the world that the emperor has no clothes (or has at least stripped down to his underwear), but Jeremy does so with both candor and kindness." - Dr Sam Waldron, Academic Dean of the Midwest Center for Theological Studies

"As the young, restless and reformed movement(s) appears to be slowly but surely running its course, the big question is: what has it provided that is of lasting value and where has it fallen short of expectations and, indeed, of biblical orthodoxy? This short booklet by Jeremy Walker seeks to address these questions in a manner that is both irenic and critical. A very useful contribution to the literature on the subject." - Carl Trueman 

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