The Postmodern World by Millard J. Erickson (Paperback)
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Publisher's Description
In both subtle and distinct ways, postmodernism has permeated American life, becoming a part of our schools, our TV shows, our churches, our conversations, and even our own thinking. How often have we said or heard, "Do what you want, but don't push your values on me," or "You live your life, and I'll live mine"? Its sheer pervasiveness demands that we ask: Is there anything wrong with postmodernism, or with the tolerance, pluralism, individualism, and casualness that it promotes? With compelling illustrations from current events and everyday life, as well as his customary sound analysis, Millard Erickson equips discerning evangelical Christians not only to understand and recognize the phenomenon of postmodernism but to deal with its effects in a relevant, biblically minded way. As he unearths its evolution, he forcefully reveals postmodernism's inherent problems and its incoherence with the teachings of God's Word. He also unveils the greatest areas of concern for Christians and gives people the tools they need to respond more wisely, believe more certainly, and discern more soundly in this confusing age.
About the Author
Millard J. Erickson is Distinguished Professor of Theology at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He is a leading evangelical spokesman with numerous highly regarded volumes to his credit, including the classic text Christian Theology.
Millard Erickson is a well-respected evangelical theologian. His CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY is the most widely used systematic theology in Baptist seminaries in the United States. In recent years, he has turned his attention to post modernism. This work is a popularly written critique of postmodernism from a Christian perspective.
This books focuses on Foucault and Derrida and also the American pragmatist Richard Rorty. I've read next to nothing of Foucault and Derrida, so I don't know if Prof. Erickson's reading of their "texts" is accurate, but from my reading of Prof. Erickson's other books, it seems that he always tries to be fair to those with whom he disagrees.
Prof. Erickson sees postmodernism as a sort of relativism. Through an analysis of TV shows, political debates, and cultural changes, he shows how relativism has pervaded Western life. Many people, including ostensibly conservative Christians, have accepted some of the presuppositions of postmodernism even as they profess their admiration for historic Christianity.
Prof. Erickson has written a more detailed and scholarly critique of postmodernism called TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES. His books POSTMODERNIZING THE FAITH and THE EVANGELICAL LEFT are also relevant.