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Why Believe the Bible?

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Why Believe the Bible?

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Product Description

The Bible is the most revered book in the world; it is also the most reviled.

Millions of people turn to it every day to find inspiration and direction for their lives, yet for 2,000 years no other book has been so hated, vilified and attacked. For many people the Bible is neither loved nor loathed; it is nothing more than an ancient religious document that raises a host of questions. John Blanchard’s booklet shows why the Bible must be believed.

Many of the Bible’s translators have been persecuted, tortured and murdered, and countless copies of their work have been banned or destroyed.

How can we know that the present text is anything like the original?

Is it anything more than folklore?

How can such an old book be relevant in the twenty-first century?

Has science not taken its place as an explanation of the world and our place in it?

Here are the answers.

About the Author

John Blanchard is an internationally-known Christian author, teacher and conference speaker. He received an award for his best-selling book Does God Believe in Atheists? as the best UK Christian Book for 2001. He is also the author of Evolution: Fact or Fiction?, Has Science Got Rid of God?, How to Enjoy your Bible, Is God Past his Sell-by Date?, Meet the Real Jesus, Read Mark Learn, Truth for Life, Whatever Happened to Hell?, Where was God on September 11? and Why Believe the Bible?

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