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Trinity Book Service



Worshipping with Calvin by Terry L. Johnson (Paperback)

$25.00 $21.99
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Worshipping with Calvin by Terry L. Johnson (Paperback)

$25.00 $21.99
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Publisher's Description

In this carefully-written and important landmark book, Terry L Johnson takes note of the revival in Calvinist thinking that is evident across a broad spectrum of the church. But, he notes, for Calvinism to continue to thrive, attention must begin to be paid to the ministry and worship that alone will sustain and perpetuate it. The new Calvinism must take seriously the liturgical reforms of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, not just the theological, if today’s dynamism is to endure. Calvin would not have approved of the separation of theology from worship. . . . Reformed theology determined Reformed worship; and conversely, Reformed worship was the nurturing womb from which Reformed piety and practice sprang. Theology, worship, and piety are inseparably linked, neither thriving without the supporting presence of the other. This is by no means a polemic against one or two forms of worship. Terry Johnson makes a strong historical and biblical case, so that whatever the readers preferred style of worship, this book will inform and challenge.


About the Author

Terry Johnson was born and raised in Los Angeles. He studied history at the University of Southern California and also studied at Trinity College, Bristol, England, and Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, before earning his D. Min in 2008 from Erskine Theological Seminary.



"Terry Johnson has written an invaluable book based on broad and deep study showing that we cannot have Reformed theology and Reformed churches without Reformed worship.  Reformed worship is not a matter of taste, but of biblical fidelity.  All readers will find this book stimulating, challenging, practical and helpful'." - Dr W. Robert Godfrey: President of Westminster Seminary, California

"This is an important book, a timely book, a carefully argued book.  But more than that - it is a book that cries for widespread implementation." - Carl Robbins: Senior Pastor, Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church, Greenville, S. Carolina.


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